Sur • Ras al Hadd
October 2014 • Luck may have been in short supply this trip, but Sur was the shining exception. Found a great hotel room for a good price (even during Eid) then walked to a nearby hilltop to take advantage of some late afternoon light. A group of teenaged boys joined me within minutes, and at first it seemed like I'd be their evening's amusement until I got tired of the hassle and retreated to the hotel. But the boys ended up being completely guileless and unjaded, and when the sun had finally set, and after we'd taken the obligatory group selfie, they invited me to their home for tea. I hesitated but put aside any doubts, and their household ultimately led to my best times in Oman. The boys handed me off to their elders, who served fruit and coconut halwa before leading a nighttime tour of the town followed by dinner at the restaurant of their favorite football club. Next morning I got a tour of a private museum that showcases Sur's shipbuilding prowess, then chased a tip on some traditional chanting / drumming / dancing / fighting in nearby Ras al Hadd. Thanks to Saeed, Muhammad, and family and friends for their memorable gift of Omani hospitality.