May 2019 • The mining industry in Uyuni collapsed many decades ago, but the town is finally on the rise again thanks to a recent boom in tourism. It's hard to imagine a visit to Bolivia that doesn't include at least one day scurrying around this immense, surreal-looking salt flat—the highest in the world. Opted for 3 days and 2 nights, which was more than enough time at altitudes exceeding 16,000 feet and with night temperatures near freezing. Makes a big difference who's along for the ride—and I couldn't have been luckier, with Diego guiding and Sarah, Talulla, Fay, and Chingyi filling the seats. Some of the sights reminded of Atacama, but the quality of this tour far exceeded anything I booked in San Pedro. A tip of the cap to Quechua Connection for knowing how to do it right.